5 Steps Toward Change
Over the years of practicing Medicine I have noticed some patterns in the women I care for. Of course, women are coming in to see me for a particular reason or problem. And I am often very aware that life circumstances are affecting my patients overall well-being and their health. I hear that women want things to be different in some way, to be healthier, happier, have more money or better relationships.
But you know what? Nothing, and I mean nothing, ever stays the same. I see this in our bodies. We are never the same. Our bodies are always shifting and evolving as we age. You know what I mean, some days you are in tip top shape and other days maybe you feel fat, tired and completely out of sorts.
I decided to write down these 5 steps toward change to offer you a simple map toward reaching your health goals, or any goal you have in your life. I want to challenge the things I hear like, “I have always been this way” or “That will never change”. I hear these beliefs when someone is disappointed with life, discouraged in some way and I see how this can have negative effects on their health. And I believe it doesn’t always have to “be this way”.
Based on the many conversations I have had with women, here are the 5 most important things I have noticed in women who succeed in their goals;
1. Notice there is a problem
This might sound obvious. But many times it is hard to see the forest through the trees. From inside of ourselves we often do not see what others see. You can’t assume that the way you see yourself is the way others see you. So if someone points out a problem, either with your health or some other area of your life, you might want to listen. Or maybe you have a health problem that you can no longer ignore and the problem is forcing you to seek help. So you begin to notice and see the problem.
2. Necessity
It seems that human beings, by nature, like homeostasis. You know, being comfortable and easy. Who doesn’t want that from time to time. But to really embrace change and make a go of it, there has to be necessity as fuel. For example, you decide you want to lose 5 pounds. The question you have to ask yourself is why? Why do you want to lose weight? Do you want to improve a relationship? Get a better job? Improve your health? Feel better in your clothes? Whatever the driver is will likely depend on how successful you are. If the necessity or motivational factor is strong, you will likely succeed.
3. Making the Decision to Change
Again, sounds simple, right? But nothing happens until we decide on it. We might toss an idea or plan around in our minds but really, the only thing I have seen work to make change is to decide on it.
4. Take a Risk, Take Action
By taking action we naturally take a risk. If I do this, that will happen. Usually we consider the cause and effect of any decision. But truthfully? We can never be sure how a situation will turn out. Even with the best research, planning and intentions. But take action anyone. Do one small thing each day that will move you toward your goal. The journey itself is worth it and the outcome might be better than you imagined!
5. Practice
I believe that any change you try to make in your life is really about practice. To bring in new habits, around food, relationships, money, health, etc., it really is about that daily effort you make to try again. It is important in the practicing to be patient and forgiving with yourself. In time your dream will begin to be an everyday reality.
Keep in mind that these are just my thoughts and opinions and they are not based in any research or psychological practice. These are simply observations that have come out of years of spending time with women, talking about their lives and their health.
I hope to encourage you to think about these 5 steps to Change with any goal you may presently have. Whatever aspect in life you want to improve, consider writing out how these 5 steps can get you there. Write out a simple goal, assess why are considering making this change, make the decision and the commitment to do it, then take some action in the direction of that goal and begin to practice this new way of being.
Take small, consistent steps. I believe in you and I continue to be inspired by so many women who have succeeded in the face of enormous challenge.
So, be well, take a stand, and commit to your life and your health!
Dr. B
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