Food, Micronutrients and Your Health
A few weeks ago I attended an event called “Food As Medicine”. It was sponsored by The Center For Mind Body Medicine and Georgetown University School of Medicine. I learned from people like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Cynthia Geyer, Kathie Swift, MS, RD and Jeanne Wallace, PhD. There were other great folks but I would suggest looking into the people I mention here for more information on what they do- it is worth your time!
But for this week’s episode of Wellness Wednesday’s I wanted to begin sharing a little bit about what I learned there and the kind of thinking that I am incorporating into my everyday practice as a Gynecologist. You probably know this already but I am knee deep in the study of Anti-Aging Medicine. And what I learned at this Food As Medicine program really complements that training by way of supporting the philosophy of “functional medicine” and the role nutrition plays in your health.
So go ahead and check out my video which talks about some important micronutrients that you need in your diet and some foods that will help you get those nutrients.
Let me know what you think!
Dr. B
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