Manage Stress By Investing In Your Health

I made this video for you because I want to talk to you about something important. I realize that right now there is a lot of stress in our lives due to our economic conditions and worries about money and jobs. I believe this stress can affect our health and it is important to be mindful about the effects of stress in your life.

Also what I am now observing is that many women are delaying their well visits and at times, medical care that may be necessary. I realize that this is because of financial concerns. Now I  want to challenge you to make small changes in your health and invest in yourself and consider your long term gains and potentional losses- factoring in your health as part of your investment profile.

So watch my video and implement some great ideas into your life to invest in your health.

An investment requires your time, focus, energy and attention. See yourself as an investment and begin valuing your body… will be glad you did.

Be Well, Be Healthy and Be Yourself,

Dr. B

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