Stress Reduction Techniques


In my last video I talked about some of the effects that stress can have on your body.

And right now, we are all experiencing a lot of stress.

So, in this video I wanted to share some basic, simple tools you can use to reduce your stress levels in any moment.

I walk you through a breathing exercise and explain how using your attention, on your breath can quickly switch your body’s response from one of stress to one of calm and peace.

So join me today and enjoy this video. Take a few minutes to calm your mind, let the tension drift away and you will find yourself moving into an easy state of being, regardless of your external world.

If you find this video helpful and would like more information please share your comments here on my website or facebook page. Also, if you would like to speak with me personally, feel free to schedule an appointment with my office .

Be Well, Be Healthy and Be Yourself,

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