Helping high achieving, successful women in mid-life find their personal truth when it comes to the health of their body. Simply and brilliantly. Using food, fun, resilience and personal style.Healthy Life Simple
Helping high achieving, successful women in mid-life find their personal truth when it comes to the health of their body. Simply and brilliantly. Using food, fun, resilience and personal style.You are a strong, smart, successful woman who has big goals in work and life.
You have accomplished a lot. And you’re proud of that. You put time and effort into your business, your family and your health.
So why don’t you feel better?
- Do you struggle to get through your day with enough energy to achieve what you want to achieve?
- Are you worried that “at my age” you won’t have what it takes to hold onto a successful career?
- Do you feel threatened by the younger, “faster” demographic that seems to be “taking over” your company or marketplace with more physical and mental energy than you can muster?
- Are you frustrated by trying ways to find “optimal health” with nothing to show for it and no clue what “optimal health” even means?
- Is your life moving so fast that you can’t imagine where to begin when trying to improve your energy and stamina?
- Are you confused about what to eat? What supplements to take? What questions to ask your doctor?
- Do you daydream about how you used to feel? How you used to look? Wondering where your sense of vitality has gone?
- Maybe you feel like nothing is working to help you feel better and you are losing hope, thinking you should just accept “what everyone says” about mid-life.
- But you know, deep inside, that these are the best years of your life. You are wise, accomplished and know what it’s like to feel healthy. And you want that back.

If this feels and sounds like you, we can help. We research and study the best tools, information and resources in the health and wellness industry, distill them down into small bites and help you learn about your individual style when it comes to health.
Look….health and wellness is about making a lifestyle choice. We are not talking about diagnosing and treating disease here. That’s between you and your doctor. What we are about is providing you with information to help you take your health and your life to the next level. Be it in business, your personal life or in service to a greater cause. We believe that you already know what’s true for your body and we are here to support you in finding and speaking to this truth as it is the basis of a healthy life. And for the purposes of keeping it simple we have chosen just four ingredients to get us there…, fun, resilience and personal brilliance. We believe that these ingredients, when combined, will help you to live your best life- whatever you decide that to be.
Have fun. Eat smart. Be resilient. Live brilliantly.
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HealthyLifeSimple is all about finding fun in your life…
eating food that matters and exploring your personal truth when it comes to the health of your body. This is done simply, one step at a time through inspiration, know how and personal flare. We consider the word “health” to mean the health of your physical body, your mind, your emotions and your spirit- however you define those things. Our core belief is that great health is a “lifestyle”- something we breathe life into everyday through our choices and our desires.