Are You Stressed Out?

Are you feeling stressed?? I think we all are right now. There is so much going on. So much to think about, worry about, fret over and generally get upset about. But what is all this stress doing to your body?

Well one answer is that you may be experiencing what is called “Adrenal Fatigue”. When we run our bodies at a high rate of speed, so to speak, without many breaks, we basically can burn ourselves out.

You have heard of the “flight or fight” mechanism right? You know the feeling, something scary is happening or you fear a particular outcome or situation- and your body sets itself up to defend itself against the perceived threat. Imagine that this goes on, day after day, week after week, without much rest. You will likely start to feel a decline in your energy, your mood, your ability to cope with everyday responsibilities and just generally feel out of sorts.

If this sounds like your life right now, watch this video, it may help you understand how stress may be affecting your health.

After you watch the video, begin to consider some stress relief in your life- next week I will be giving you some specific tools to use in your daily activities to help your body relax and feel more at ease.

Dr. B

P.S. Please let me know how you are doing with this wellness plan here in the comments, on Twitter, or on Facebook!

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